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Special Members Only access to Members only Documents on this site as well as our Newsletter and our yearly Conventions-- Join Today

Register Your Checker
Register your Checker and see where your fellow Checker Lovers live. See Photos of your friends cars and add your photos to the collection.
Buying or Selling a Checker
Since sales are of a time sensitive nature
we suggest you join us on our Face Book Page for an ever changing offering of a variety of Checkers. Remember to ask questions and get a lot of photos on any Checker you are considering you can CLICK HERE for our online listings..
In an effort to continually provide our users and members with the most extensive database of Checker information/Data, we have now started a new page in our Documents Area. This new page is for Historical Information. This information is all in the Public (non-member) area, so it is available to all. The pages will be added to all of the time and we invite you to let us scan any information that you would like to share, please contact the webmaster. Click on the medallion below for direct access to the Historical Documents Page(s).
A Checker Owner Is Never Alone
Except when working On the Checker.
What a peaceful time!

Our Mission
The Checker Car Club of America was organized in April 1982 for the preservation, enjoyment and sharing of information on Checker automobiles manufactured from 1922-1982. We are the oldest and most respected Checker Car Club in the world.
Our slogan, "A Checker Owner Is Never Alone," is taken seriously by our 700+ members who are scattered all over the world.
The Club publishes a quarterly newsletter, runs an active Facebook group called "Checker World," maintains a member web site and holds conventions every other year. Please see the CONVENTIONS page for information about our next convention.
Join us on our Facebook Group for up to the minute information
The above artwork is used by permission by Checker Motor Cars (Image Owner)