Saying Goodbye After 24 Years
Copyright 2017 - Checker Car Club of America, Inc.
There was certainly some sadness as I saw my "Radio City Cab" 1979 Checker A12 disappear on its way to the other side of the world on September 26, 2016.

Leaving Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada
Having something you consider special for 24 years will do that to you.

After being boxed up in a shipping crate, the car ended up on a freighter to Le Havre, France arriving there on October 31, 2016.

The final destination for the cab is Corbeilles, France, a town roughly 60 miles south of Paris. When restored by the new owners, the ever faithful Checker will join a complement of English taxis available for rental by the company "Taxi Fun".

Enjoy the Ride!
Ed. Note: Hopefully the new owner will have this car as long as Tim did, and enjoy it just as much. They have told us that the car will undergo restoration before being put into service. We will let you know when that happens.